I used to hate every single holiday, because I had no joy without children. It never seemed magical & I always had to put up a front as if I was happy. Let’s face it, nobody likes a Debbie downer especially during the holidays.

The Easter eggs would make me cry, because they symbolized springtime with new beginnings. During Halloween, I couldn’t even give out candy, it was too painful to watch the beautiful little princesses or cute ladybugs and during Christmas all I wanted to do was hang a stocking for my little twinkle toes.

Baby showers were torture! I’d end up sobbing in the baby section trying to buy a present & I’d basically try to dodge any daily triggers that occured all around me.

I could go on and on, however I’m way past this stage even though it took 7 years of my life. I understand what it’s like to live month to month hoping it will be a miracle just this one time. How I never scheduled vacations, because I always just ‘knew’ I’d be pregnant in six months & I’d have to cancel my plane ticket.

I’d have family members say, “Oh, Maureen why are you doing this to yourself?” I wanted to scream! Nobody understands that this is how women were programed as a child, to grow up & have a family. Plus, it’s very hormonal & a feeling that tugs at your heart that already has 1000 holes.

When people ask, “Why don’t you adopt?” I ask them “Do you want to adopt? Do you have an extra $40,000 to buy a baby from who knows where?” Not to mention the cost of infertility treatments wiping out our entire savings.

We live in a crazy world, that’s for sure!

I’m here to help you heal, become hopeful again and get back on track with a fulfilling life filled with self love, happiness and joy that will excite you the moment you wake up!

I turned to spirituality to help me understand why this kind of suffering happens and I’ve come to some conclusions that’s help me get over the hump. I’d love to share these ‘ah ha’ moments with you and some of my knowledge that I’ve learned during my journey.

I’m a survivor and so are YOU!

Love & Light,


PS - Rate is $65 for 45 minutes. I use Zoom & Venmo.