Would you like to know what your pets are thinking?

Would you like to find out their history or if they are in pain?

Or if they like their new home, brother, sister or mom and dad?

Do they like their new food, does it make their stomach hurt, are they allergic ~ the possibilities are endless.

Also, if your pet has crossed over, I can still communicate with them through my pendulum.

For the pets that are here on earth, I can find out what chakras are open or closed and explain why plus provide solutions to some of the findings.

I will need a photo of your pet, with their eyes showing, so I can connect to their soul. Then I will provide Healing Touch for Animals for their relaxation and then receive answers to Yes or No questions through the energy of my pendulum.

The information you will receive is priceless!

This service is over the phone for $65 for 1hr of my time. We will discuss your questions then I’ll call you back & I can go over their answers. If we still have time, I can re-connect and ask more questions while we’re on the phone.

***I don’t take lost pet scenarios***