Helps with grief

“Maureen offered to do a Healing Touch for Animals session at Soulstang to help Bodie release her grief. Bodie hadn’t seen her caretaker in many days, who had passed away, and she was very on edge. Maureen helped her release her stuck energy and emotions plus she explained that Mike is now is heaven. Also, that he will come and visit, but he will be in spirit. Then at the end of the session Bodie was in agreement with being paired with another volunteer. Ever since the session, she has been much more relaxed and easier to work with; thank you for making an impact on her life.”

Tina Caldwell ~ Cincinnati, Oh

Helps with Bullies

“Thank you Maureen, for helping me with Bella using Healing Touch for Animals! When I first reached out to her to communicate and help heal my hen Bella, she was a mess - she wouldn't eat, feathers falling out, stopped laying her famous blue eggs and was picked on by her sisters. Fast forward to the present... her feathers have grown back, laying blue eggs again, and getting along with her sisters! You are amazing!” Cheryl Kocher ~ Cincinnati, Oh



Helps with trust issues

“I was so happy to meet Maureen, and have her help with Lexi who was dropped off in a park last November to die alone in the cold. We did a catch and rescue in April. Lexi was hurt and not sure of people at that time. Maureen was able to work with her to improve her trust in people and her healing process. This helped to heal her body and spirit.”

Robin ~ Cincinnati, Oh

Helps with Jealousy

“My husband and I have two cats, each of them were one year old at the time of their incident. They’re best friends and sisters that have been raised with us since 3 weeks of age. The incident involved being sprayed by a feral male cat while outside in an outdoor tent. We found them irritated and soaked- immediately we attempted to bath one at a time. An attack by one onto the other began and from that moment our cats spent 8 days isolated in different rooms due to continued aggressive, fearful, paranoid behavior. During this time we came across Maureen and scheduled a same day visit. She explained their chakras and how she could help by working with them multiple times over the following days. We’re confident we couldn’t have reunited our cats without the help of Maureen. She’s polite, respectful, and great at what she does. She was a true lifesaver!Chelsea & Matt ~ Bellevue, Ky

Helps with focus

“I purchased Texas from a corporation who thought of him as a number and since he lost one race they sold him to me. Come to find out he had an ulcer and was completely shut down emotionally. After Maureen’s session along with some medication he healed from the ulcer in record time and gradually he started to relax. I don’t ever sell my horses, so he is a part of my family now! Through Maureen’s animal communication I found out he is happy to be racing with his family here at Belterra.”

Rebecca Holton ~ Anderson Township, Oh

Helps with Anxiety

“I am so thankful to have connected with Maureen to help me with my two rescue kittens, Violet and Oliver. Maureen is extremely gifted as a healer and was able to easily connect to my kittens and clear the blockages that were making them anxious. In her connections with them, she uncovered their background story which has helped me to understand their personalities and why the anxiety was present. Both of the kittens have been calmer and healthier since Maureen's visit! I would highly recommend Maureen for anyone who wants to help their animals heal - both emotionally and physically. Thank you so much, Maureen!”

Danielle ~ Cincinnati, Oh

Helps with bonding

“Maureen came out and did an energy session on my distant horse, Dew, not only did we get a better understanding of why he was cranky and off, but after clearing his chakras-all were blocked- he has really opened up and our relationship has gotten so much better. I've changed my attitude towards his training and he has been so much more receptive. Thank you so much Maureen! Our barn is a happier place.”

Nicole ~ Morrow, Oh

Helps with fear

When I first rescued Lecter, he was 6 months old and couldn’t handle being touched by anyone. He was afraid of everything, door thresholds, people, movement and anything you can think of (other than other dogs). He always had his back to the wall, so he could see his escape route. Also, he would never come into any of our bedrooms. So we decided to go with a private trainer, Cheryl Kocher, who introduced us to Maureen. She stated she could do a trauma release, find out what happened and why he was afraid of everything plus I wanted her to encourage a closer relationship with my husband. By this time, Lecter has allowed me into his space.

After two sessions of Healing Touch for Animals, Lecter now lets my husband pet him, he goes into ALL the bedrooms and we found out the reasons why and what triggered his fears. He has flourished in his training, has bonded with everyone and he is almost like a new dog. He still has his moments where he is afraid of new people, but with more work, I feel like he will be able to let strangers pet him and I can’t wait to see it!”

Heather ~ Hamilton, Oh

Helps with relaxation

“We would like to thank Maureen Hollmeyer for coming out with some great energy!! She got to demonstrate her work on Adam who is a wild Mustang and it was such an amazing experience for everyone in the barn!”

Mustang Journey ~ Goshen, Oh

Helps with trauma

“She is definitely doing better since the her session. There has been no damage of any kind in the house. I have left her here 4+ hours and she did great. There were 2 days where new people came into the house. Bella was comfortable enough to lay down in the living room. Then she actually came up to the new person. Another friend couldn’t get over the change in her demeanor. She is still afraid of people across the street. If someone is outside, we don't need to go over there she says. She no longer gets behind me if a car passes when we are walking along the street. She has more confidence.” Due to the severity of her trauma, Bella received 3 sessions.

Dianna ~ Greenland, IN

Helps with blending energy

“Our 18 year-old cat, Baxter, was lonely after losing his brother and constant companion. We decided to adopt a young, social female, Lulu, as a new friend. Introducing cats can be tricky, so it was helpful to have Maureen's guidance throughout the process.

During the session, she balanced both animals' chakras - which left them noticeably calmer. We also learned through animal communication that Lulu was happy to have a new home and family. But she was also scared because everything was so new, which is why she spent all of her time under the bed. So we stopped tying to coax her out and soon she began to emerge on her own, ultimately following Baxter into the main living area.

During a subsequent "tune-up" session we learned that Baxter liked his new friend Lulu. But, he was growling and hissing because he wasn't quite ready to "play" yet. Maureen reminded him that we got Lulu with his best interests in mind. He relaxed around her immediately after the “check in” session. And just a few weeks later, they were playfully chasing each other around the house and then curling up together on a pillow.”

Jill ~ Grand Marais, MN

Helps with injury

“You were at Caesar’s Creek at the Ohio Horseman’s state ride on June 10-12 this year.I rode 18 miles on Saturday and my horse became sore-back several hours after getting back into camp.

You did your “magic” on her and her back issues dramatically improved. I had no further problems the rest of the year.

October 13-16 I rode at Hocking Hills state forest another 18 miles and her back held up very well with no problems. So I’d like to thank you again for whatever you did on her back. I certainly didn’t expect it to last that long!”

Rosemary ~ Cleveland, OH

Helps with adoptions.

“Maureen Hollmeyer began connecting with my animals and me when she began training Ari, my dog friend who came from an adoption center. He was uncertain, frisky and extremely sassy. He, through Maureen’s help of training, energy work and communication, has become a calmer, loving and appreciative dog. All of my creature friends love Maureen’s energy and positive approach. I have benefitted, as well, which may have been the most helpful part of Maureen’s work. Because I’m more grounded, confident and loving, my animal friends respond in kind. Maureen is a real treasure!” Judith J. ~ Cincinnati, OH

Helps with pain

“Maureen came out to do a session with my horse Sam. He had a neck injury that caused him to rear up and flip over. The vet initially wanted to euthanize him but when I opted for conservative care to give him a chance she made it clear not to have any one touch him, especially a massage or chiropractic work. For months he was on stall rest and no one was allowed to be in the stall with him or really touch him. We were all even afraid to be near him. All I could think about was how sore his body must be, not just because of the injury but from his body crashing into his stall walls or the ground when he would have the episodes. I found Maureen and we talked about how her sessions might help him and that she didn’t even need to touch him to help. Out of fear, I still waited a few months into his recovery to have her out. When she did come out Sam had been stable for a few months and I had begun brushing him and doing some light exercise. He was tender on his back and stiff during exercise. When Sam met Maureen he immediately walked right up to her and wanted to be in her space, he really liked her. The day we did the session was very windy and there was construction going on next door so all the horses were on edge. Sam was very distracted but stood still for her which is hard for him to do for long periods of time :). I think the most amazing thing was the affect it had on the entire barn of horses. When Maureen was half way into the session with Sam, the horses had all quieted from being on edge about the construction and wind and were calmly staring at her and Sam. One horse was even so relaxed she laid down for a while.

Maureen was wonderful to work with and she had an impact not just on Sam but the entire barn of horses. You can tell she really has a love for what she does and a love for animals. I’m so thankful that Maureen came out to get all Sam’s Chakras open and flowing, his overall wellness continues to improve and he is doing so great. His back is less tender when I brush him now and he is building strength and is less stiff during exercise. I highly recommend Maureen for your horse’s overall health and wellness routine.” Samantha ~ West Chester, OH

Helps with Negative Behavior


My kitty couldn’t settle and wasn’t using his litter box after losing his brother of 16 years. After just one healing touch session, he’s curling up with me, or in the sun, and hasn’t had a single accident. Thanks Maureen!”

Jill ~ Grand Marais, MN

Helps with End of Life

“I have a chihuahua that is 16 years old!!!! He has quite a few health issues…glaucoma, bad hips, just to name a couple!! However he is hanging in there and I feel blessed that he is still alive. He isn’t in pain, but is a 112 years old….he isn’t exactly the picture of vim and vigor and I can see that his daily aches and pains have reduced his quality of life. Maureen has been an unbelievable aid in helping him!!!! I sent her a picture of him where she could see his eyes to do a distance healing and she used her gift to help him feel better!!! He has been hungrier after she aligned his chakras and definitely more snuggly!! Usually he gets on his blanket and sleeps 18 hours a day but after her healing touch session he is noticeably different! Agador and I both are more grateful than you will ever know!” Mary Jane ~ Cincinnati, Oh

Helps with recovery

“Red had hurt his shoulder and was on stall rest for two weeks. He was unhappy to be missing the great fall weather and couldn’t wait to see the sunshine. After one session, the pain went from a pain level 8 to a 2 and he was able to be outside the very next day. The balanced energy helped him to heal and each day he showed signs of relief.”

Chloe - Hamilton, Oh

Helps with anxiety.

“After a traumatic death in the family, Daisy (a 10 yr old Yorkie) was anxious, not eating and experiencing diarrhea. I contacted Maureen for a healing touch session. She was able to do an advanced remote energy technique.

During the session, Daisy was visibly relaxed, eventually falling asleep. After the session, Maureen followed up with an email describing the session from her perspective and also a phone call. Since the session, Daisy has returned more to her typical temperament and family members have commented on what a comfort she has been to them since the session, as they continue to grieve.

I highly recommend Maureen for Healing Touch for Animals, whether your dog is experiencing physical or emotional pain, or simply could use a relaxing experience!” Katrina ~ Bowling Green, Oh

Helps with behaviors.

I contacted Maureen, because my 8 month old puppy wasn’t acting right, wasn’t eating much and would cry when he laid down. The vet felt he was in pain, but couldn't pin point where the pain was or where it was coming from, so he referred us to a neuro doctor. After one distance session with Maureen, he is back to being a puppy again. He is no longer whining, is now very active plus he ate right after the session. Maureen figured out that he was absorbing his owner's lower back pain! She gave him a new job, “to be a loving puppy” only and she was able to pinpoint the exact spot on his lower back and was able to release the pain. Thank you so much!”

Shannon ~ Medina, Oh

Helps with relaxation.

“Cooper seemed to be down, didn’t want to be touched and wasn’t eating much. Maureen, from a distance, found out that all his chakra’s were blocked and this caused a lack of energy flow. After the session, we saw immediate results and he was back to his own self; cuddly, loving and eating again! Thank you, Maureen!”

Karen ~ Cleveland, Oh

Bo ~ Cincinnati, OH

Helps with end of life

“Maureen, thank you for your assistance during the passing of my little boy, Bo. He was in such pain from having blocked bladder issues & when I brought him home from the vet, he hid under the bed.

After Maureen performed Healing Touch on Bo from a distance, he did come out and I was able to interact with him and love on him during his passing. Thank you for your help during this difficult time.

He seemed more at peace and calm after Maureen helped him. I will forever be grateful for her help in easing his pain and giving me some time to cuddle with him before he passed.”

Laura ~ Cincinnati, Oh

TJ ~ Villa Hills, KY

Helps with medical diagnosis.

“My boxer, TJ, had a recurring urinary tract infection that naturally lead to frequent trips outside, even through the night.

I reached out to Maureen, and she used her Healing Touch to balance TJ’s chakras. For the first time, TJ slept through the night following Maureen’s healing work, and he started eating better too.

I’m so appreciative of Maureen’s willingness to help TJ through such an uncomfortable issue.”

Melissa ~ Ft Mitchell, Ky

Helps with grief.

“My elderly cat hasn’t been herself since my husband died over a year ago as they were very close. She didn’t eat much or play and sat in the window every day to wait for him to come home. This was a distance session and while it was occurring Princess went to her bowl to eat, twice, and she started to play! Maureen stated she told Princess that her dad is always with her in spirit and she needed to eat, play and be a loving companion to her mom. And she listened! I’m forever grateful!” Rosemary ~ Cincinnati, Oh

Kayak ~ Cincinnati, OH

Helps with anxiety.

“This is Kayak, my sweet Lab who is about 10 years old and a rescue. We love him, but with some rescues they sometimes have issues.

Kayak is very anxious. He used to panic when the doorbell rang and would bark and bark, then run upstairs to hide, never coming down to interact with company.

Not anymore, he now comes down and will interact with our company. At first, it was just with girls and women. Then my brother in law came over and Kayak came down & let him pet him. He said, “What did you do, have the Dog Whisperer come over?” I said, “Maybe.”

Thank you, Maureen, he is happier and so are we. It’s nice to see Kayak more relaxed and comfortable in our house. I can’t thank you enough!” Marybeth ~ Mason, Oh

Helps increase energy levels

“I wanted to let you know Charlie is doing good. I took him outside yesterday on a leash for some grounding, and let him soak up some sun. He enjoyed that very much. He is eating great, and his #2 has gotten easier with very little straining. He is up and about more looking out the windows and doing things that he hasn't for weeks. I truly believe his session with you and my praying is making a difference. I feel really blessed to have found you.” Jo P. ~ Blanchester, Oh

Helps with hurt feelings.

"My sweet Meeka is a rescue with a bad past based on how she behaved in the very beginning with us. Before my most recent session of healing touch, we went on vacation. We took her and our other rescued cat to our parents’ house for two weeks. When we picked up our kitties, one was okay but Meeka wasn’t. She showed many concerning signs of hiding more, not talking to us like usual, stopped approaching us for petting, acted sad, withdrawn, and physically distant.

After Maureen’s session she made dramatic improvements! My sweet girl started letting me pet her, pick her up, and snuggle with her like old times. She’s the type that will push her body hard against mine for a hug and purr loudly.

I feel like her healing was life changing! I am very thankful my kitty can benefit so much from Maureen’s healings. I wouldn’t know what to do without it. We will be going on future vacations. I’m going to use Maureen’s gift to help make it easier for Meeka before and after next time." Trisha ~ Deer Park, Oh