What is an Angelic Reading?

It’s Spiritual Counseling with your Angels!

This is a combined service of informal counseling, as I use my Social Work skills, along with my intuition and guidance from your angels. I use Oracle Angel Cards, that are all positive, as a tool to give you a message from your angels.

The ‘Healing With The Angels’ deck, will take us on a path that tells a story about your past, present & future.

Then, I will use a pendulum to answer any YES or NO questions to fine tune your message!

Ultimately, you will receive a positive solution to a situation that is heaviest on your heart.

30 minutes for $45

House parties are available & would be an affordable rate up to 10 people. If you are not in the area, I can do a session over the phone or FB Chat

This service is included in my Finding Joy in Your Everyday Life program too.

Receive a message from your angels through this reading.

All your spiritual helpers watching over you!